Blog Post

Why Change? What we’ve been using for years still works for us……

Why Change Policies?  What we’ve been using for years still works for us……

Companies and business owners need to realize what policies are needed to address current trends (social media policy, for example) and open an ongoing dialogue with employees, and communicate with managers regarding  common issues and problems to determine what policies are needed to help them do their jobs more effectively and efficiently.

  • Consider overall fairness, and most importantly, consistency regarding employees (employee ‘A’ got this benefit, but employee ‘B’ did not).  Consistency between departments will be more apparent when policies are carried out uniformly, and are clear and in writing. (Telecommuting Policy)
  • Consider policies that effect more job satisfaction or don’t cost employers additional money but may give employees ways to be more involved in the community (volunteering policy, for example).
  • Encourage the importance of health and wellness, and a work/life balance, even during times of doing more with less. (Some employers may consider adding an Employee Assistance Program for employees facing difficult times or personal crisis that affects their work)
  • Employers may be surprised by the results they receive.

Additional Thoughts

 Encourage consistency between departments, having an effective and up to date handbook in place when companies add/hire additional employees can be helpful in the long run.  Define sexual harassment, define solicitation, define what is allowed, what is prohibited.  Prevent issues before they occur.

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